Tibetan Community in Britain – ‘Tibetans Helping Tibetans’ Initiative Launched at London Imperial Hotel


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Afternoon Tea with Supporters
 As a token of appreciation, the Council of Tibetan Community in Britain hosted an Afternoon Tea for supporters of Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust on Sunday, 1st February 2015 at the Imperial Hotel, London.
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We invited child sponsors, founding trustees and former sponsorship secretaries, who have been supporting the work of Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust over the past 29 years.

Since its inception in 1986, the Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust has raised and spent £400,000 for Tibetan children’s education in India and Nepal. Our partner agencies are he Department of Education (Central Tibetan Administration) and Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society based in Dharamsala, northern India.

If you would like to sponsor a Tibetan child, please visit: http://tibetancommunityuk.net/charitable-trust/

Tibetan Community in Britain – ‘Tibetans Helping Tibetans’ Initiative Launched at London Imperial Hotel   (London, 9th February 2015)


  • Background

The Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust was founded by a small dedicated members and supporters of Tibetan community in Britain in 1986. Ever since its founding, the Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust has been focussing its work primarily in the field of education for Tibetan refugees. The Trust is being managed by successive elected members of Tibetan Community in Britain Council, who serve a two-year term on pro bono.

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Over the past 29 years, the Trust has raised and spent £400,000 to support the education of Tibetan refugee children in the Indian sub-continent. The Trust’s main partner agencies are the Department of Education (Central Tibetan Administration) and the Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society based in Dharamsala, northern India.

In recent years, the Trust has been sending between £15,000 and £20,000 annually to its partner agencies to support the education of Tibetan children. Currently, the Trust supports 86 Tibetan refugee children in various schools.

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  • ‘Tibetans Helping Tibetans’ Initiative Launched

The incumbent Council of Tibetan Community in Britain recently launched a major initiative – ‘Tibetans Helping Tibetans’ to drive their community members to adopt child sponsorship through the Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust. To lead by example, each Council member committed to sponsor a Tibetan child.

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The formal launch of this important community initiative was initially planned for the Benefit Dinner with Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, Central Tibetan Administration on 1stFebruary at the London Imperial Hotel. Despite the cancellation of Sikyong’s UK trip at the eleventh hour, the Council went ahead with the official launch, which was blessed and declared open by Mr Chonpel Tsering, Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama based at The Office of Tibet, London.


Dr Tamdin Sither Bradley, who is currently serving on the Council as Sponsorship Secretary, is aiming to double the child sponsorships over the next two years. Soon after the official launch of the ‘Tibetans Helping Tibetans’ initiative, members and supporters of Tibetan Community in Britain committed to sponsor 25 children through the Trust. At least further 20 members expressed their interest as well as agreed to consider their support.

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  • Great Success and Thank you!

The elected Council regards the launch of this good cause a historical event with great success, and extends sincere gratitude to all those who have committed to support the education of Tibetan refugee children through the Trust.


If you feel inspired to offer your support, we would love to hear from you! We know your practical support would make a huge difference to the Tibetan refugee community. If you would like to bring and introduce your friends circle and other network to us it would be equally wonderful!

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We highly value support and feedback from our members and supporters. Please do not hesitate to contact us anytime!

Thuk-je-che – Thank you!

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Tsering Passang (Mr)
Tibetan Community in Britain & Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust

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