Tibetan Charitible Trust

Patron: His Holiness the Dalai Lama       Registered Charity No. 294761

“Our children are the successors of a great people and are the future seeds of Tibet” His Holiness the Dalai Lama

One of the world’s most precious cultures is under the threat of extinction. Your assistance towards a Tibetan child’s education will not only give a dispossessed child a real chance in life but also, help towards the preservation of Tibetan culture. In 1986, the Tibetan Community in Britain established the Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust which is a registered with the UK Charity Commission with the following objectives:

  • To advance the education of Tibetan refugee children
  • To preserve and promote the cultural heritage of Tibet through study, research and publications
  • To relieve poverty and hardship among Tibetans in exile.

The Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust administers a life-changing child sponsorship scheme for needy Tibetan refugees in India. We enjoy a wonderful working relationship with our overseas aid partner agencies. They are the Department of Education (DOE) of the Central Tibetan Administration and the Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society (STSS), based in Dharamsala, northern India. At least several hundreds of Tibetan refugee children have so far benefitted from our child sponsorship scheme. 100% of funds raised from the sponsorship scheme are directly transferred to our partner agencies, enable a free education for Tibetan refugee children in India.

Whilst acknowledging and thanking our long-term sponsors for their generous support over the years, we also wish to appeal and request new as well as potential sponsors to consider and adopt child sponsorship – a scheme guarantee to change life of a child forever!

tsering-lhamo wangmo
Tsering Lhamo  Wangmo

How can I help?

You can make a real difference by sponsoring a Tibetan child to attend school and provide him/her with some general education in an environment of traditional Tibetan culture. The sponsorship costs no more than £20 a month (£240 per annum).

What will my money pay for?

Your money will be paid to the school to cover your sponsored child’s education, food, healthcare and lodging. If a child is living at home, some of the money is given to the child’s parents to buy uniforms, books etc.

How long does sponsorship last?

Tibetan children would normally start school at the age of five or six. Children are normally sponsored until they finish school at 18 years old. You are free to withdraw at any time if your circumstances change. On the other hand, you can continue sponsoring if your child goes onto college/university. Sponsorship of a college student costs significantly higher than the school rate.

Will I receive progress reports?

Yes, our partner agencies collect reports from the sponsored children. Our Sponsorship Secretary will forward the reports and personal correspondences to the respective sponsors.

Can I write to my child?

Yes, your encouragement will be very important! Your child may come from a poor family struggling to survive and not able to give each child all the support they may need. Your child will write to you too. All letters are sent through our partner agencies, which are then forwarded onto respective schools, to be distributed to your sponsored child. You will be sent details of how to get in touch with your child as soon as you have committed to sponsor a child!

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The Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust ( Reg No. 294761) Lloyds Bank Plc,105 Station Road, Edgware, Middlesex HA8 7JL Sort code: 30-98-07 Account Number: 00241105 Download the Gift Aid Declaration Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

For further information, please contact us:

Sponsorship Secretary Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust c/o Tibet House 1 Culworth Street London NW8 7AF

Email:  [email protected]