Election Related Circular


Dated: July 28, 2015

Dear Tibetans in the UK,

At the outset, the Regional Election Commissioner and the UK Members/Observers of the Northern Europe Regional Election Committee firstly extends its warmest regards to all of you – the Tibetan electorate.

As you all are well aware, 2016 is an important year in the political calendar of Central Tibetan Administration. The tenure of the incumbent Sikyong and the elected Parliamentarians of the 15th Tibetan Parliament in exile is getting to an end. It is time to elect the next Sikyong and to elect Members to the 16th Tibetan Parliament in exile.

The important dates relating to election are:

18th October, 2015: Preliminary election of Sikyong and Chitues

20th March, 2016: Final election of Sikyong and Chitues

As responsible stake-holders in the democratic process, it is the duty of the Tibetan electorate to cast their votes and to thus make it count.

To ensure the smooth conduct of the Tibetan elections in the countries under the jurisdiction of Office of Tibet, London, the Chief Election Commission based in Dharamshala, India has suggested setting up of a Regional Election Committee. The Northern Europe Regional Election Committee thus came into being – the Members and Observers elected from among the Tibetan communities in these countries.

The names of the elected Committee Members and Observers from the different countries, including from the UK, were communicated to the Chief Election Commission in Dharamshala, India. Accordingly, the Chief Election Commission formally declared that the Northern Europe Regional Election Committee would officially start its five-year tenure beginning 1st May 2015

The UK Committee members and Observers, serving on the Northern Europe Regional Election Committee, hereby request all eligible Tibetan voters to ensure their names are registered with the Committee. Please note that REGISTRATION IS A MUST TO VOTE in this Tibetan election.

Every Tibetan (18 years and above) who wishes to register to vote must hold Tibetan voluntary contribution book (also known as Green Book) and must have paid all Chatrel dues up-to-date*. (Those reaching 18 years of age as on 18th October 2015 can also register to vote, with same conditions as above.)

Those who have registered to vote in the previous election (2011) – do not need to register again; however, all Chatrel dues must have been paid up-to-date* in their Green Book. Please ensure this. You can check if your name is on the Electoral Roll Register by contacting Acha Kunsang la ([email protected]) or Dalha Tsering la ([email protected]) or Tenzin Samphel la ([email protected]).

For those who have not registered to vote in the previous election (including those who reached 18 years of age during the period from 2011 to now) please complete the attached form and send it to Acha Kunsang la ([email protected]) or Dalha Tsering la ([email protected]) or Tenzin Samphel la ([email protected]).

The last date for registration is 28th August 2015. Please hurry up and register before it is late.

For any other queries relating to election, please contact the Committee Members/ Observers or The Office of Tibet, London. We will try our level best to attend to your queries/doubts as promptly as we can.

The names of the elected Members and Observers, serving on the Northern Europe Regional Election Committee are:

Dalha Tsering la, Committee Member

Kunsang Chodon la, Committee Member

Tenzin Samphel la, Committee Member

Phuntsok Dalu la, Observer

Sonam Frasi la, Observer

Tsering Passang la, Observer


Yours sincerely,

UK Committee Members of Northern Europe Regional Election Committee.

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