1st May 2015
Dear Members & Friends,
Appeal – Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who died, their bereaved family and the survivors of the recent earthquake disaster in the Himalayan regions.
Along with Tibetans residing in Nepal, the earthquake has also effected Tibetans inside Tibet – the western areas that border Nepal.
The Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamsala has issued immediate response towards the relief efforts in Nepal. We have received request from Dharamsala to encourage members of Tibetan Community in Britain to raise funds and support the recent earthquake victims.
With your support, Tibetan Community in Britain and the Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust, would like to contribute towards providing relief to the effected Tibetans. We will direct 100 % of your donation to this fund through established NGOs doing practical work in the field.
In this regard, we have set up a dedicated Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund. You can donate online at www.tibetancommunityuk.net/nepalearthquakerelieffund or alternatively by bank transfer and cheque to the account to:
The Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust
(Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund)
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-96-40
Account Number: 00176925
The Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust is a UK registered No.: 294761.
Contact / Further information:
Tibetan Community in Britain
C/o Tibet House
1 Culworth Street
Phone: +44 (0)7939 056 827 or +44 (0) 7927 376 532
Email: tibetancommunityinbritain@gmail.com
Thank you for your support.

Tsering Passang Reting
Chairman, Tibetan Community in Britain & The Tibetan Refugee Charitable Trust