56th Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day – Europe Stands With Tibet


Dear Tibetan Members and Friends of Tibet,

Tashi Deleg!

On the eve of the 56th Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day in Lhasa, we at the Tibetan Community in Britain, remember and show solidarity with Tibetan compatriots in Tibet, who continue to endure the repressive China’s rule.

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On Saturday 7th March, in partnership with Tibet Society, Free Tibet and Students for a Free Tibet (UK), we commemorated the 56th Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day event in London, showing our support and solidarity with the people of Tibet.

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Nearly 500 British Tibetans and supporters of Justice in Tibet joined the peaceful march from Whitehall to the Chinese Embassy, where the uplifting rally was held. Please see here for a short report.


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Today, I send this personal appeal to those fellow Tibetans in the UK and across the Europe, who could join us in Paris on Saturday 14th March, to take part in the European Solidarity Rally for Tibet – Europe Stands With Tibet, which is being organised by Tibetan Communities in Europe, including Tibetan Community in Britain, with the support of International Campaign for Tibet (Europe) and Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Society. Please see a personal appeal made via our Community YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9I1SA4V32A

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For those of you in the UK, the Tibetan Community has arranged a return coach-trip to Paris from London. So, why not take this opportunity to join the solidarity rally in Paris!

If you cannot take part in the important Tibet’s national political event but still would like to support and show solidarity with Tibetans in Tibet, then please consider making a donation today, via our community’s website: http://tibetancommunityuk.net/portfolio/support-tibetan-community-uk/

march 10th 2015 London

We are a community-based voluntary organisation, with no paid-staff to run our annual programmes. Your support would go a long way towards delivering our voluntary services to Tibetan Community here in the United Kingdom and towards Tibetan people’s non-violence freedom struggle.

Thank you – Thukje-che!

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